International Catholic Deaf Association

United States Section

Let us all pray for an end to the fires in the LA area. For the firefighters, and paramedics, whose lives are endangered by their call to serve.

Let us all pray for an end to the fires in the LA area.

For the firefighters, and paramedics, whose lives are endangered by their call to serve.

Healing for the wounded.
Comfort and help for those who are homeless.

For the children who have lost their schools.

For the faithful who have lost their houses of worship.
For business owners and their employees who have nothing.
For those who have died, and those who have begun to grieve them.

For those who suffer in ways we cannot imagine, and those who will be affected for many years.

May we who watch from a distance have generosity of prayer, of assistance, and compassion.
May the Holy Spirit, whom we have known as wind and flame, pour the cool waters of comfort and the peace that passes all understanding, on all those suffering from this destruction.

By The Rev. Teresa Gocha, SCHC

queen of icda

Queen Of ICDA, How Great Is Your Love;

For Your Deaf Children, From Heaven Above.

Your Deaf Do Gather, From Year To Year;

With You At Our Side, There's Nothing To Fear.

Queen Of ICDA, In Heaven Above;

Upon Your Deaf Children, Pour Down Your Love.

Mother Of Our Savior, Who The Deaf Man Did Cure;

Keep Our Souls Loving, And Always So Pure.

Queen Of ICDA, In Heaven Above;

Upon Your Deaf Children, Pour Down Your Love.

To Your Son, Jesus, We Do Pray;

Bless Each Member Of The ICDA.

Song And Words - Rev. Chester A. Bieluch

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