Mission Fund Application


Guiding Principles for Disbursements of ICDA-US Mission Fund

1.  The application form should be filled out completely and be submitted to the ICDA-US Mission Fund Co-chairpersons.

2.  Applications should be sensitive and responsive to cultural values of the local community.

3.  Applications should indicate who is responsible for evaluation and follow-up reports to the Mission Fund and to the Deaf Catholic magazine.

4.  Applications should show the project would encourage leadership training and development within the local deaf community.

5.  Applications should reflect a real need and not reflect a duplication of services already provided by other sources (i.e., Catholic Deaf ministry offices.)

6.  It is not the intention of the Mission Fund to provide for on-going support to any one local community; hence, applications made two years in a row from the same local community are generally not considered.

7.   It should be noted that the Mission Fund does not grant funding for the following:

      a.  Support of institutions, either in capital improvements, operating expenses or erection of buildings;

      b.  Support of individuals or projects which do not involve deaf persons;

      c.  Support of an individual ICDA-US Chapter or Catholic Deaf Center in normal operating expenses or for investment in buildings or other capital projects

      d.   Any long-term project involving a number of years, without consultation with the ICDA-US Section Board of Directors;

      e.  Transportation expenses for presenters or participants of missions, retreats, workshops, prayer days, or conferences;

      f.  For an individual to attend variously offered workshops, seminars, conferences or other training or educational programs.

Please click HERE to print the form, fill out, and

mail it to Paul's address shown on the left of the printed form

OR scan and email to Paul at pblicharz9@aol.com

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